php, cgis_script, pearl en xml files php em xml, cgi php_script, xhtml, xml en cgi_script

CGI Script works with the new-mangled whois system introduced 1 Dec 1999.  A web based whois client for RFC-954 compliant whois servers using the shared domain registration system as revised 1 December 1999. Under the new domain-name regime the whois system is now distributed amongst the various domain-police registrars, thereby requiring that we make at least two separate requests (to two separate servers) for each whois record. This program will first go to the "root" whois server and ask for a record. If found, the root server will tell us where to go get the actual record, and then we go get it. You can replace the whois program on your server and run by telnet or run as a cgi script.


Only: €15.00

De Scripts worden u aangeboden zonder enige garantie of support. Hoewel al de scripts zijn uitgetest op diverse servers kunnen wij niet instaan voor de werking in alle omstandigheden Van de aangeboden prijs gaat nog 30% korting af. Let op de prijs voor deze scripts is inclusief BTW