php, cgis_script, pearl en xml files php em xml, cgi php_script, xhtml, xml en cgi_script
MIMEMAILER Selling single files is easy!

Finally! Now its simple to sell single files with MIMEMAILER. Easily integrates into any of our billing systems such as IBILL Processor (use as webgood page) or Mastergate, or any of our other systems. Simply use MIMEMAILER as your "Thank you" page and you can instantly send single attatchments automatically! Security protocols block people from sending multiple copies of the file to their friends or multiple files to themselves. Requires no modules and can be setup in about 1 minute.

Also see MIMEMAILER II (works slightly differently)

Only: €15.00

De Scripts worden u aangeboden zonder enige garantie of support. Hoewel al de scripts zijn uitgetest op diverse servers kunnen wij niet instaan voor de werking in alle omstandigheden Van de aangeboden prijs gaat nog 30% korting af. Let op de prijs voor deze scripts is inclusief BTW